Posted Date : June 04,2021
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : MRB-20734
Government Authority located in Nevada; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for advertising and marketing service.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide advertising and marketing service zero fatalities campaign.
1. Website Hosting and Updates
- Manage and maintain a dynamic web presence websites.
- Web hosting.
- Includes secure local servers.
- Website maintenance, postings, analytics, and updates as needed to keep content current and to provide site visitors with the latest information.
2. Advertising and Media
- Conduct advertising and marketing efforts for the various campaigns state-wide.
- Develop applicable advertising messages for state-wide campaigns with emphasis on road users’ behavioral aspect.
- Develop advertising and media campaigns which include but are not limited to (by campaign event) the use of television, radio, outdoor, digital, and social media targeting impaired driving, occupant protection, lane departure safety, pedestrian safety, intersection safety, and motorcycle safety.
3. Social Media Management
- Through the use of social media, educate, engage and inform Nevadans of the zero fatalities goals and objectives, for the purpose of increasing overall awareness.
- Using a strategic planning framework, incorporate social media strategies throughout the zero fatalities program; monitor and measure ongoing social media campaigns to evaluate and implement changes to improve campaigns when needed. Identify new opportunities and tools, while guiding the course of social media's role in the campaign.
- Develop campaign-specific graphics, images and assets to use for the content calendar and on social media channels. Include the time for creative development and budget for outside purchases.
- Prepare media budgets to run promoted posts and sponsored stories on Facebook, Instagram, and twitter, boosting the reach of posts to supporters and non-supporters, resulting in higher engagement and growth in those supporting the program goals and objectives.
4. Outreach
- Expand the reach and effectiveness of the zero fatalities program through one-on-one and group interactions, and educational programs.
- Proactively plan, solicit, staff, and conduct state-wide grassroots outreach activities, and sponsorships including, but not limited to school events, public service organizations, businesses, sporting events, community events, and other educational outreach outlets the department or agency deems appropriate.
- Create and sustain a focus on Spanish speaking populations, by providing translation of presentation and handout materials and supporting community events with Hispanic attendees.
- Create and procure items that are designed to drive stakeholder engagement, keep top-of-mind awareness, and reinforce the zero fatalities brand.
5. Partnerships and Sponsorships
- Utilize, solicit, and coordinate numerous partnerships and sponsorships that provide opportunities to expand the reach and effectiveness of the zero fatalities program to a larger population.
- Maintain existing and solicit new professional opportunities to sponsor within the community to gain a stronger zero fatalities presence among target audiences.
- Provide strategic support for partnerships and sponsorships on behalf of zero fatalities, thus aligning our messages with other audiences supporting the cause of public roadway safety.
- Provide professional services to partnerships and sponsorships deemed necessary by these parties. Professional services may include design, programming, scripting, etc.
- Regularly coordinate with and follow-up with partners to grow the relationships.
6. Assessment and Evaluation
- Assess the progress and effectiveness of the zero fatalities program and campaign messages, Nevada traffic safety initiatives and public opinion on traffic safety road users’ behaviors through the means of primary analysis and observation. Assessment may include qualitative and quantitative survey methods such as phone surveys, online surveys, panel discussions, and focus groups.
- Utilize unbiased third-party research firm to conduct focus groups for campaign-specific messages, which may include pre- and post-campaign testing.
- Consider utilizing the services of a third-party research firm to conduct public opinion polling via phone surveys.
- Annual public opinion phone surveys will build upon the previous zero fatalities phone survey instrument to continue benchmarking the progress of the zero fatalities program and messages with consistency.
- Focus group frequency and participation will be determined by the target audience and demographics of specific campaign.
- Design, develop, and produce documents and supporting materials such as fact sheets, flyers, logos, reports, presentations, etc.
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than June 15, 2021.
(3) Contract term will be two years.
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Organization Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: July 07,2021
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : MRB-20734
Government Authority located in Nevada; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for advertising and marketing service.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide advertising and marketing service zero fatalities campaign.
1. Website Hosting and Updates
- Manage and maintain a dynamic web presence websites.
- Web hosting.
- Includes secure local servers.
- Website maintenance, postings, analytics, and updates as needed to keep content current and to provide site visitors with the latest information.
2. Advertising and Media
- Conduct advertising and marketing efforts for the various campaigns state-wide.
- Develop applicable advertising messages for state-wide campaigns with emphasis on road users’ behavioral aspect.
- Develop advertising and media campaigns which include but are not limited to (by campaign event) the use of television, radio, outdoor, digital, and social media targeting impaired driving, occupant protection, lane departure safety, pedestrian safety, intersection safety, and motorcycle safety.
3. Social Media Management
- Through the use of social media, educate, engage and inform Nevadans of the zero fatalities goals and objectives, for the purpose of increasing overall awareness.
- Using a strategic planning framework, incorporate social media strategies throughout the zero fatalities program; monitor and measure ongoing social media campaigns to evaluate and implement changes to improve campaigns when needed. Identify new opportunities and tools, while guiding the course of social media's role in the campaign.
- Develop campaign-specific graphics, images and assets to use for the content calendar and on social media channels. Include the time for creative development and budget for outside purchases.
- Prepare media budgets to run promoted posts and sponsored stories on Facebook, Instagram, and twitter, boosting the reach of posts to supporters and non-supporters, resulting in higher engagement and growth in those supporting the program goals and objectives.
4. Outreach
- Expand the reach and effectiveness of the zero fatalities program through one-on-one and group interactions, and educational programs.
- Proactively plan, solicit, staff, and conduct state-wide grassroots outreach activities, and sponsorships including, but not limited to school events, public service organizations, businesses, sporting events, community events, and other educational outreach outlets the department or agency deems appropriate.
- Create and sustain a focus on Spanish speaking populations, by providing translation of presentation and handout materials and supporting community events with Hispanic attendees.
- Create and procure items that are designed to drive stakeholder engagement, keep top-of-mind awareness, and reinforce the zero fatalities brand.
5. Partnerships and Sponsorships
- Utilize, solicit, and coordinate numerous partnerships and sponsorships that provide opportunities to expand the reach and effectiveness of the zero fatalities program to a larger population.
- Maintain existing and solicit new professional opportunities to sponsor within the community to gain a stronger zero fatalities presence among target audiences.
- Provide strategic support for partnerships and sponsorships on behalf of zero fatalities, thus aligning our messages with other audiences supporting the cause of public roadway safety.
- Provide professional services to partnerships and sponsorships deemed necessary by these parties. Professional services may include design, programming, scripting, etc.
- Regularly coordinate with and follow-up with partners to grow the relationships.
6. Assessment and Evaluation
- Assess the progress and effectiveness of the zero fatalities program and campaign messages, Nevada traffic safety initiatives and public opinion on traffic safety road users’ behaviors through the means of primary analysis and observation. Assessment may include qualitative and quantitative survey methods such as phone surveys, online surveys, panel discussions, and focus groups.
- Utilize unbiased third-party research firm to conduct focus groups for campaign-specific messages, which may include pre- and post-campaign testing.
- Consider utilizing the services of a third-party research firm to conduct public opinion polling via phone surveys.
- Annual public opinion phone surveys will build upon the previous zero fatalities phone survey instrument to continue benchmarking the progress of the zero fatalities program and messages with consistency.
- Focus group frequency and participation will be determined by the target audience and demographics of specific campaign.
- Design, develop, and produce documents and supporting materials such as fact sheets, flyers, logos, reports, presentations, etc.
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than June 15, 2021.
(3) Contract term will be two years.
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Organization Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: July 07,2021
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$