Posted Date : September 13,2022
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : TRAVEL-0594
Government Authority located in Carson City, Nevada; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for travel demand model enhancement and validation service.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide travel demand model (TDM) enhancement and validation service to the government authority located in Carson City, NV.
1. Project Management and Coordination
• Monitor schedules, prepare progress reports, invoices, billing
• Schedule regular meetings with staff to review progress, tasks, and milestones
• Coordination with agency partners
2. Data Collection, Model Updates and Model Base Year
• Agency and county model background and review
• County TDM model incorporation into TDM before updates and scenarios
• Maintain ability to separate city, county and boundaries within the model
• Review time of day within model and recommend possible changes
• Traffic analysis zone update to remain consistent with census tracts, roadway network and land use type
• Update population with current census data
o A household travel survey is not anticipated, but other data sources can be considered.
• Update land use and assumptions
• Update highway network
• Update traffic volumes
• Update traffic counts
• Base Year Update to 2022
- Consultant shall outline their approach and highlight opportunities to documenting the model development process, including estimation, calibration, validation, and sensitivity testing. Consultant shall also document their approach to creating a model user’s guide, including recommendations for the elements and key components that an effective user’s guide should include.
3. Trips and Mode Choice
• Review and make recommendations for trip generation origin and destinations
• Review external and pass-through trips
• Consultant to recommend mode choice updates to future TDM updates to possibly include transit operations.
• Consideration of any other model modes appropriate for agency.
4. Model Validation and Scenario Testing
• Development of Future Year Scenarios
• Base Year and Future Years Scenario Validation
- Validation should include industry standards, neighbouring models, traffic records information access (TRINA), staff counts, external counts, and travel demand model.
• Recommendations on how to evaluate recommended emission data to include in the model, based on latest IIJA and possible future MPO emissions regulations.
• Maintain model summary report
5. Data Acquisition
- Data that will be provided to the consultant following award:
• Latest TDM
• Information related to TDM
• Staff collected counts
• Street Centerline GIS layer
• Applicable land use and zoning or other GIS layers
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than September 20, 2022.
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Organization Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: October 04,2022
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : TRAVEL-0594
Government Authority located in Carson City, Nevada; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for travel demand model enhancement and validation service.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide travel demand model (TDM) enhancement and validation service to the government authority located in Carson City, NV.
1. Project Management and Coordination
• Monitor schedules, prepare progress reports, invoices, billing
• Schedule regular meetings with staff to review progress, tasks, and milestones
• Coordination with agency partners
2. Data Collection, Model Updates and Model Base Year
• Agency and county model background and review
• County TDM model incorporation into TDM before updates and scenarios
• Maintain ability to separate city, county and boundaries within the model
• Review time of day within model and recommend possible changes
• Traffic analysis zone update to remain consistent with census tracts, roadway network and land use type
• Update population with current census data
o A household travel survey is not anticipated, but other data sources can be considered.
• Update land use and assumptions
• Update highway network
• Update traffic volumes
• Update traffic counts
• Base Year Update to 2022
- Consultant shall outline their approach and highlight opportunities to documenting the model development process, including estimation, calibration, validation, and sensitivity testing. Consultant shall also document their approach to creating a model user’s guide, including recommendations for the elements and key components that an effective user’s guide should include.
3. Trips and Mode Choice
• Review and make recommendations for trip generation origin and destinations
• Review external and pass-through trips
• Consultant to recommend mode choice updates to future TDM updates to possibly include transit operations.
• Consideration of any other model modes appropriate for agency.
4. Model Validation and Scenario Testing
• Development of Future Year Scenarios
• Base Year and Future Years Scenario Validation
- Validation should include industry standards, neighbouring models, traffic records information access (TRINA), staff counts, external counts, and travel demand model.
• Recommendations on how to evaluate recommended emission data to include in the model, based on latest IIJA and possible future MPO emissions regulations.
• Maintain model summary report
5. Data Acquisition
- Data that will be provided to the consultant following award:
• Latest TDM
• Information related to TDM
• Staff collected counts
• Street Centerline GIS layer
• Applicable land use and zoning or other GIS layers
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than September 20, 2022.
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Organization Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: October 04,2022
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$