(1) Vendor needs to provide state report card services to the government authority located in Nevada.
- To develop, maintain, and enhance the State Report Card
- Project Management
- Data Management System Modernization
- Data Elements
- State Report Card
- Student Assessment and Growth Reports for Academic Achievement and English Language Proficiency
- School Financial Reports
- Application Design and Programming
- Data Visualizations and Reports Improvement
- State Report Card
- Student Assessment and Growth Reports for Academic Achievement and English Language Proficiency
- School Accountability Reports for Alternative Programs
- School Financial Reports
- State Report Card Related Tasks
- Technical and Business Documentation
- Other Information Technology Services
- Provide a solution to import assessment data into the Department's data warehouse. This import should be accomplished through an API or Web Service that receives assessment data from the various assessment vendors and imports the result data sets into the data warehouse.
- This is a customized SharePoint web part which allows user to produce Submission Files for It also includes Submission Files SharePoint customized web part where the files generated are uploaded and maintained.
- Enhanced Data Submission Administrator's Application: is a SharePoint web- based application which provides administrators' means to configure files, elements, submissions, groups, and reports.
- Enhanced Data Submission Application: is a SharePoint web-based application which provides State/District/School users the ability to upload files or enter data for different submissions based on different file format defined by the administrator's application.
- Data Validation Sign-off and Lock Application: assist in the transition from the current/existing Data System tools listed above by providing temporary solutions until full migration can be completed and in the event that there remain systems that cannot directly connect to the data lake, the awarded vendor will provide a data collection, validation and certification system to maintain the processes necessary for the State Report Card and related reports and tasks.