(1) Vendor needs to provide pest control operator testing and licensing system.
- Move from paper to electronic processes wherever possible.
- Automate diverse exam scheduling, proctoring, and grading of required exams for pesticide applicator licensing and certification.
- Ability to monitor user activity, as well as to issue certificates and licenses manually from an administrative panel.
- Maintain exam integrity through scrambling multiple-choice questions and answer choices as tests are retaken and as each exam request is initiated.
- Develop and maintain an online examination scheduling and payment system for individuals wishing to become certified and licensed.
- Improve tracking and reporting of program goals.
- Develop and maintain a searchable system with functions that will run diverse field queries.
- Increase performance and reporting of enforcement activities.
- Ability to assign inspections and investigations to staff.
- Ability for a user to have access to historical (up to five years) applications, exams, certification, licensing, payments, compliance and enforcement notices and continuing education data.
- Ability for administration to have up to five years of historical user data for all applications, certifications, licensing, payments, exams, investigation reports, compliance or enforcement notices, and continuing education data associated with the user and business (i.e., primary principal).
- Ability to run data queries on exams, payments, licensing, certification, compliance and enforcement action, investigations, and continuing education activities.
- Ability to automate notices on licensing deadlines, continuing education credits, pending payments, and compliance or enforcement actions.
- Ability to initiate correspondence with users.
- Ability to flag pending requests.
(2) All questions had been submitted no later than February 8, 2023.
(3) Contract term will be one year.