(1) Vendor needs to provide regulatory examination services to the government authority located in Carson, Nevada.
- Perform actuarial reviews for insurer and other regulated entities for initial applications for licensure: Memorandum including a summary of the review performed and recommendations for additional information to be requested, additional review required, conditional approval, full approval or denial of the application including the supporting reasons for denial.
- Perform actuarial reviews and financial analysis of insurer and other regulated entities during periodic risk-focused analysis: Complete actuarial review and analysis of pricing or underwriting risks, reserving risks, reinsurance, asset valuation, cash flow modelling, pro forma projections and other items as requested by the Division of Insurance. Complete and review risk-focused analysis and provide feedback as appropriate if acting as the reviewer.
- Perform financial and market conduct examinations of insurer and other regulated entities during periodic risk-focused analysis.
- Review Applications for Captive Insurers.
- Reinsurance Review Services.
- Information Technology Examination Services.
- Training and direct support for Division staff.
- Financial analysis services.
(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than May 19, 2023.
(3) The contract period will be for three years.