(1) Vendor needs to provide electronic smart parcel and mail lockers services to the government authority located in Las Vegas, NV.
- The Contractor shall furnish, install, manage, and maintain electronic smart parcel and mail lockers that can store mail and packages and have the below required functionality Lockers.
- Lockers collectively includes both Package Lockers and Mail Lockers.
- Package Lockers are Lockers large enough to hold packages and parcels.
- Mail Lockers are Lockers large enough to hold flat mail like the type found in conventional mailboxes.
- Contractor Services shall include preventative maintenance and on-site repairs.
- All Locker interfaces shall be user friendly and easy for the students and residents to use.
- The Lockers will be located in the various residence halls in South Campus Housing as set forth below.
- All Lockers will be located indoors with 24-hour student access.
- Access to South Campus Housing is generally limited to UNLV staff, South Campus Housing student residents, and their guests.
(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than July 18, 2023.
(3) The contract period will be for five years.
(4) A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on July 11, 2023.