(1) Vendor needs to provide Bond and Disclosure Counsel Services to the government authority located in Carson City, NV.– To perform all legal services and duties customarily performed by bond counsel with respect to the issuance of securities.– Assist the Office’s Debt Management Deputy, financial advisors, purchaser, or underwriter in the legal aspects of structuring the financing, including interpretation and application of state and federal laws and tax regulations pertaining to debt.– Assist in structuring or evaluating the legal structure for investments of proceeds pending their expenditure that comply with state limitations on the investment of public funds and federal requirements for maintaining the exclusion of bond interest from federal income tax.– Provide sophisticated legal advice on federal tax matters including, but not limited to, the use of proceeds, reimbursements, arbitrage, private activity, management contracts, investment and expenditure of proceeds, and other matters related to the federal tax exemption.– Prepare all bond and certificate purchase agreements, notices of sale, bid forms, and other materials necessary to market the securities.– As necessary, assist the Office in resolving issues regarding the State’s debt that are raised by bondholders, rating agencies, regulating agencies, or public officials.(2) All questions must be submitted no later than March 29,2024.(3) The contract period will be for four years.
LEGAL-11676 - USA (Carson City, Nevada) -Bond and Disclosure Counsel Services - Deadline May 10,2024