This is a presolicitation notice. Additional information will be made available once the full solicitation is posted. For now, only the draft Statement of Work and draft Drawings are being made available. Keep in mind that the final attachments may be different from the draft attachments.The USDA – Forest Service, Humboldt–Toiyabe National Forest, is soliciting for proposals for the Wildcat Burned Fence BAR project located in Elko County, Nevada, approximately 2 hours and 18 minutes from Wells, Nevada.Project Description: The intent of this project is to replace wildfire–impacted barbwire fence line damaged by the 2022 Wildcat Fire in the Ruby Mountains, Mountain City, Jarbidge Ranger District.Project Location: From Wells, NV head north on US–93 for 40.9 miles. Turn left onto Oneil Basin Road and continue for 33 miles to reach the wildcat fire. The fence lines to be replaced are on the nor