Vendor needs to provide superintendent search services to the government authority located in Las Vegas, NV.– Develop a timeline for the recruitment and selection of a new superintendent.– In conjunction with the board, solicit public input to establish a profile of the desired candidate and criteria for selection utilizing various balanced and culturally sensitive outreach methods such as public hearings and community surveys.– During the search process, all search firm contact with community members and other Nevada stakeholders or interested parties shall occur during open, public meetings.– This does not apply to superintendent candidates, candidate references and district officials tasked with contract management activities, e.g., purchasing, accounts payable, office of the board of trustees and similar departments.– Develop a marketing plan and related budget, subject to Board approval, for the recruitment and selection of a new superintendent, including but not limited to preparing and placing advertisements and media announcements in appropriate national and local publications or websites.– Identify potential candidates and conduct outreach recruitment to include personal contacts and posting the position through national channels; identify and encourage applications from qualified candidates who are from public education, higher education, private profit and nonprofit sectors, military or other branches of government.– Assist the board in scheduling and conducting interviews or site visits with each candidate.– Maintain the confidentiality of all information provided or maintained by the supplier in rendering services to the board, unless such information is included in the report of candidates selected for interview or volunteered by non–finalist candidates.