(1) Vendor needs to provide real estate broker services to the government authority located in West Wendover, NV.– Purchase and sale negotiations, or, in the alternative, to assist the City in an advisory capacity on a consulting fee basis, as required.– Provide a range of real estate services including but not limited to the following:• Needs assessments• Market research• Proposal solicitation• Marketing• Document/lease review• Negotiations.• Provide analysis and recommendations on certain City–owned properties.• Provide identification, analysis and recommendations on properties the City may be interested in acquiring.• Identify or confirm encumbrances and/or constraints on properties utilizing official records and geographic information systems.• Verify zoning and land use requirements including flood map designations, available utilities, and related jurisdiction requirements.• Complete market comparable and availability analyses.• Prepare and/or review documents, including but not limited to real estate documents, property documents, development agreements and legal notices.• Assist with marketing and sale of City–owned property according to applicable requirements of the City Code and the Nevada Revised Statutes including establishing Fair Market Values– Provide consulting services related to real estate feasibility and marketing analysis, including but not limited to:• Participate in property inspections and provide assistance or make recommendations related to suitable property for leasing, acquisition, and/or sale.• Consult on other miscellaneous real estate matters, as requested.(2) All questions must be submitted no later than May 23, 2024.(3) The contract period will be for five years.