Vendor needs to provide affordable housing parking study service to the government authority located in Stateline, NV.– Establish a parking data set that can be used to inform anticipated parking demand for a variety offuture affordable and workforce housing projects that may be built throughout the region, includingdeed–restricted affordable, moderate, achievable housing in town centers and in areas zoned multifamily.– Consultant will use parking counts from existing housing developments both within and outside the location.– In addition, the consultant should provide best practices to determine a recommendation for the amount of parking that should be required for deed–restricted housing during the permitting process.– The data should be based on parking demand at existing developments, and should be Tahoe–based to the extent feasible. – Parking counts for a variety of existing affordable and workforce housing types throughout the region.– A memo summarizing the parking demand by unit size i.e., studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and housing type.