(1) Vendor needs to provide municipal solid waste characterization study service to the government authority located in Carson, NV. – Agency is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide municipal solid waste characterization study• Task 1 – Communication:– Conduct kick–off meeting and on–going project update meetings with agency representatives.– Collaborate with agency representatives on data collection, study design, and findings.• Task 2 – Research design:– Prepare and submit a study plan with the parameters.– Contractor will collaborate with agency on selecting the sites, and agency will review, selected sample for approval prior to surveying.– Agency will provide contact information for these facilities to the awarded contractor.• Task 3 – Data collection:– Determine the vehicle loads to sample.– Collect selected samples from solid waste collection routes representative of the socio– economic sectors within the communities, businesses, and industries of the counties, including residential routes, commercial routes and waste loads that are self–hauled.– Sort the samples into pre–determined material categories and measure the quantity of each material.– Organize the findings by pounds of each material category for each individual sample, tracked by sector county of origin, date, and time.– Conduct a vehicle survey at each sampling site during each season to determine how many tons of disposed waste are associated with each of the waste sectors.• Task 4 – Analysis and development of report:– Compile and analyze data into a draft final report. Statistically evaluate data from the sorting events to determine the mean, 90% confidence intervals, and standard deviation for individual material categories by site, generator types, and any other categories as determined by agency and the vendor.