(1) Vendor needs to provide property and casualty insurance broker services to the government authority located in Nevada. – Services of an Insurance Broker/Consultant to assist in the selection of the most cost–effective and comprehensive insurance coverages and services available with insurers.– Provide related services including advice on the coverage program and its design, risk management support, assistance in loss prevention and control activities, benchmarking data, claims advocacy, assistance with filing of claims, review of contractual insurance language and requirements.– The selected broker will develop, recommend, negotiate, and place property insurance.– The selected broker will facilitate a contract between and the insurer, administer and manage relationship with the insurance companies including, but not limited to, issues such as billings in connection with the insurance program, data reporting and compliance with negotiated requirements.A. Market Condition AnalysisB. Training available to campus personnel.C. Risk Management consulting/program development services.D. Assist Risk Management with the review of contracts including construction, leases and other agreements to determine if a risk or exposure can be transferred or avoided.E. Property and Contents appraisal services, including historic buildings or specialty properties (fine arts and museum collections).(2) All questions must be submitted no later than July 18, 2024
INSU-3386 - USA (Nevada) - Property And Casualty Insurance Broker Services - Deadline August 15,2024