1. Scope: SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide the labor, equipment, materials, supplies, and fuel to drill a continuous wireline core boring to an approximate vertical depth of 6,930 feet.2. Project Background:2.1. The drilling and sampling of a continuous, vertically oriented, wireline core boring [also referred to as core hole (CH) in this document] is intended to provide the Rock Valley/Direct Comparison (RV/DC) with geologic and geophysical samples and data necessary to characterize the geologic setting, and monitor future underground activities conducted by the Project. Core drilling shall start at the surface and continuous core shall be collected to a total vertical depth of approximately 7,000 feet below ground surface (bgs). The minimum core diameter shall be 1.7 inches, but larger core is acceptable. The CH shall have a minimum bore hole diameter at terminal depth of no less than 3.7 inches. The CH will