(1) Vendor needs to provide business license agent services to the government authority located in Nevada.– This position performs field and office inspections and investigations to ensure that businesses are performing within the guidelines and limitations of the county codes and regulations and the schedule will include nights and weekends.– Locates unlicensed businesses or businesses which have a change of ownership, location or business name and initiates appropriate changes in documentation; issues notices of non–compliance, misdemeanor certifications or cease and desist orders as required.– Reviews and investigates specified applications to be submitted to the board, reviews written documentation concerning business history, ownership and financing, prepares recommendations and outlines concerns to the board as required.– Confers with legal staff regarding licensing violations, testifies before the county board, an administrative hearing office or in a court of law as required.– Determines, receipts and collects appropriate fees and penalties, including audit fees, collects returned checks, delinquent room taxes and other problem payments, balances payments received on a regular basis.– Performs overt or covert investigations of businesses operating illegally or in a manner inconsistent with the public's health, safety, morals or welfare, may conceal identity and work in hostile environments.– Confers with department and legal staff regarding license code interpretation and procedure application, provides factual information to existing or potential businesses regarding such codes and procedures, assists in applicants in completing forms and providing required information.– Contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit's service to its customers by offering suggestions and directing or participating as an active member of a work team.– Conducts inspections of and enforces regulations related to roadside or event vendors, garage sales and other short–term activities.(2) This is a brief information; Main RFP Document is not available on our website.