(1) Vendor needs to provide mandated transportation asset management plan update, review and recertification service to the government authority located in Carson, NV.– To obtain Professional Services to update the current Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) and obtain its recertification.– Additional services to support the department’s asset management activities may also be included.– The plan will include revisions of the following:• Asset management objectives and measures.• Process to complete a performance gap identification and identification of strategies to close gaps.• Process to complete life–cycle planning, including a refinement of the life–cycle planning procedures for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) assets.• Process to complete a risk analysis and develop a risk management plan.• Process to develop a financial plan covering at least a ten (10)–year period.• Process to develop investment strategies.• Process for incorporating resilience into life cycle planning, risk management, and investment strategies.• Process for obtaining necessary data from National Highway System (NHS) owners other than the DEPARTMENT.• Process for ensuring the TAMP is developed with the best data and that the department uses bridge and pavement management systems meeting the requirements in 23 CFR 515.17 to analyze bridge and pavement conditions.(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than October 1, 2024.