U.S. GOVERNMENTGeneral Services Administration (GSA) seeks to lease the following space:State: NevadaCity: Las VegasDelineated Area: North – Highway 95 / Interstate 515East – N. Maryland ParkwaySouth – E. Charleston BlvdWest – Interstate 15Minimum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): Block A –15,843 ABOABlock B – 1,955 ABOATotal Space – 17,798Maximum Sq. Ft. (ABOA): Block A – 17,427 ABOABlock B – 2,151 ABOATotal Space – 19,578Space Type: OfficeParking Spaces (Total/Reserved): 8Full Term: 240 monthsFirm Term: 180 monthsAdditional Requirements: - Two blocks of space are required using the above referenced minimums and maximums: Block A and Block B. Both blocks are required to