(1) Vendor needs to provide community wildfire protection plan consultant services to the government authority located in Reno, NV.– The community wildfire protection plan (CWPP) will serve as a framework to identify and prioritizewildfire hazard reduction projects, fostering a collaborative, community–wide effort to reducewildfire risks to life, property, and natural resources.– The consultant will review existing GIS data, policies, and management documents to understand the city’s fire history, identify data gaps, and ensure alignment with existing plans.1. Conduct Hazard and Risk Analysis:– Identifying wildfire ignition zones, fire spread potential, and existing fire protection.– Assessing infrastructure risks and preparedness.– Mapping defensible space and priority fuel treatment areas.2. Stakeholder Outreach and Public Engagement:– This CWPP is a collaborative effort involving multiple stakeholders.– The consultant will assist in identifying stakeholders, conducting monthly project team meetings, and planning public workshops.– Workshops will provide interactive presentations on wildfire hazards, risk analyses, and mitigation strategies, gathering input from residents and agencies.3. Mapping/GIS:– The consultant will produce a series of GIS maps showing community zones, hazard severity, vegetation types, and infrastructure.– These maps, along with an online geodatabase, will help track completed projects and future treatments.4. Prepare Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP):– City overview (values at risk, fire protection, land use)– Wildfire problems (fire ecology, climate, fire history)– Risk assessments and action plans for community preparedness, structure protection, andfuel mitigation strategies.(2) All questions must be submitted no later than Nov 1, 2024.(3) The contract period will be for one year.