Vendor needs to provide paper to digital conversion and microfilm service in JPEG and TIFF format.
- Convert documents currently stored on 127 rolls of 100' microfilm to electronic format.
- Convert and 22,000 (4x6) microfiche sheets with an average of 45 images per sheet, to electronic format.
- Each frame of the microfilm roll and microfiche to be scanned, cropped, and desked to actual size of original page, and converted from joint photographic experts' group (JPEG) grayscale to single page tag image file format (TIFF) black and white.
- Each frame to be spot checked for clarity and accuracy, any pages deemed poor will be manually enhanced or rescanned for best image outcome.
- Review electronic document page counts to ensure that the entire document is in numerical order to preserve document integrity and to verify no pages are missing or duplicated.
- Examine each electronic document image captured for quality review at the time of scan and prior to loading into WebEx.
- The electronic format will be imported into the existing WebEx document management system.
- All microfilm rolls and microfiche will need to be tracked for purpose of transport, processing and return utilizing a mutually agreed upon check-in and check-out procedure with the first judicial district court.
- All microfilm rolls and microfiche shall be returned to the first judicial district court at the conclusion of the project.