(1) Vendor needs to provide development financing consulting services to the government authority located in Las Vegas, NV.
- The consultant shall assess the need and demand for the type of project, as well as its affordability, sufficient to convince funders, lenders, community leaders, and the public that such a project is feasible.
- In its affordability assessment, the consultant shall include an analysis of the project's level of rents that would be charged.
- The consultant shall collect data, including statistics, housing market trends, community profiles, and anecdotal information that would help determine whether or not a development should proceed and, if so, what design, market, and service conditions should be incorporated. - The consultant also shall assist the authority in finding appropriate sites for projects.
- The consultant shall assist in identifying appropriate development projects.
- The consultant shall ensure that adequate timelines are prepared for the development project(s).
- The consultant shall assist in the creation of development partner selection criteria and methodologies.
- The consultant shall assist in the creation of selection criteria for financial partners and methodologies.
- The consultant shall assist in the preparation of mixed-finance application(s), as necessary.
- The consultant shall assist, as necessary, in the solicitation and selection of developer(s).
- The consultant shall assist, as necessary, in the solicitation and selection of financial partner(s).
- The consultant shall develop proforma financial statements and business plans for presentation to financial institutions.
- Assist the authority and its legal counsel in preparing the terms of agreements with the development entities and in delineating the overall structure for carrying out development activities.
- Design and maintain a system for tracking the overall progress of all activities relevant to the implementation of the program.
- Review of financing plans to ensure feasibility and maximum outreach to identify and utilize all possible sources and funds.
- Analysis of market conditions to provide guidance in the development programs. - Review of plans for property management.
- Technical assistance for working with project residents to define their ongoing role, and to consider specific opportunities for economic and business opportunities for residents.
- Perform any task related to the progress and implementation of the selected development and finance method as required.
- Assist in the negotiation of tax credit equity investment agreement(s), syndication transaction documents and relevant loan documents.
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than March 09, 2023.