(1) Vendor needs to provide storm drain sewer rehabilitation services to the government authority located in Nevada. – Storm drain improvements will include removals and abandonments of existing facilities, reinforced concrete box (RCB) storm drains, reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), manholes and pipes, laterals, drop inlets, sanitary sewer relocation, raised medians, pavement removal and replacement, pavement markings, sidewalk, curb, gutter, cross gutter, traffic signal modifications, pedestrian flasher, signage, landscaping and irrigation modifications, traffic control, dust control, stormwater discharge control, and all other improvements incidental, appurtenant, and necessary to complete the work as specified and as shown on the Drawings.– The work to be performed under this Contract consists of rehabilitation of sanitary sewer manholes and pipes, sewer manhole and pipe removal and construction, waterline relocation, pavement removal and replacement, pavement markings; traffic signal loop replacement, traffic control, dust control, stormwater discharge control, and all other improvements incidental, appurtenant, and necessary to complete the work as specified and as shown on the Drawings.– Contractor quality control– Public outreach program– Mobilization and demobilization– Remove concrete pavement– Abandon reinforced concrete pipe (rcp) storm drain– Abandon storm drain manhole– Over excavation and backfill– Type ii aggregate base– 5–inch plant mix bituminous surface– Portland cement concrete pavement (10 inch)