(1) Vendor needs to provide arts, crafts and party and holiday decorations supplies to the government authority located in Nevada.– Establish an arts and craft supplies and party decorations contract with a single provider for each package to support the daily operations of county parks and recreation and other county departments.– Arts and crafts supplies. shall include but not limited to material used to make art and crafts such as glitter, glue, popsicle sticks, paper mache, craft paper, scissors, board easels, ceramic materials and supplies, sculpturing material and supplies, graphic art material and supplies, drawing and writing material and supplies, crayons, markers, pencils, paint brushes, paint, etc.– Party and holiday decorations. shall include but not limited to material used to decorate for various holidays throughout the year including but not limited to themed decorations, gifts and prizes, glow necklaces and bracelets, candy, crepe paper streamers, crepe paper, pencils, bracelets, costumes, etc.(2) A pre–bid conference will be held on July 22, 2024.