(1) Vendor needs to provide labor relations negotiator service to the government authority located in Reno, NV.– To secure the professional services of a skilled communicator and experienced negotiator.– The Chief Spokesperson will provide the following nature of services:– Conferring with the city’s Management team to understand issues and to make recommendations in order to effectively negotiate on behalf of city Management.– Developing the city’s management proposals with guidance and support from the city’s Human Resources, Finance and Management teams.– Reviewing new or updated drafts of city policies to determine impacts, if any, on the various bargaining unit agreements. Communicate all identified impacts to the city’s Labor Relations Manager.– Supporting the city’s Labor Relations Manager in processing, investigation, and drafting of grievance responses within the contractual time limits for grievances filed on behalf of bargaining units, for the Director review prior to submission to the bargaining unit.(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than December 31, 2024.