Posted Date : December 12,2019
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : SW-29835
Government authority located in Nevada, USA; based organization looking for expert vendor for record management system.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposal
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide record management system for create a database that consists of Victim and Offender records with an accounting system for each group that is capable of interacting with each other.
- allow NPP users to perform work in a more efficient manner and implement more automated processes
- Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) that is highly configurable, with customization kept to an absolute minimum
- The solution hosting platform, all solution components, data, database, disaster recovery site, and business continuity sites
- Monitor and enforce offender compliance with conditions of their community supervision while on parole, probation or as an inmate on residential confinement
- Collect restitution and disburse monies received to victims of crime
- Conduct pre-parole and incoming interstate compact investigations to ensure appropriate community placement for offenders
- Conduct pardons investigations
- Access to compilers, editors and other system utilities shall be removed from production systems
- deliverable logs all transaction and system activity, for the purpose of evaluating contract performance, facilitating trend analysis, and supporting system and other transactional analysis
- Communications management to ensure effective information generation, documentation, storage, transmission and disposal of project information.
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than December 23, 2019.
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: March 17,2020
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : SW-29835
Government authority located in Nevada, USA; based organization looking for expert vendor for record management system.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposal
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide record management system for create a database that consists of Victim and Offender records with an accounting system for each group that is capable of interacting with each other.
- allow NPP users to perform work in a more efficient manner and implement more automated processes
- Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) that is highly configurable, with customization kept to an absolute minimum
- The solution hosting platform, all solution components, data, database, disaster recovery site, and business continuity sites
- Monitor and enforce offender compliance with conditions of their community supervision while on parole, probation or as an inmate on residential confinement
- Collect restitution and disburse monies received to victims of crime
- Conduct pre-parole and incoming interstate compact investigations to ensure appropriate community placement for offenders
- Conduct pardons investigations
- Access to compilers, editors and other system utilities shall be removed from production systems
- deliverable logs all transaction and system activity, for the purpose of evaluating contract performance, facilitating trend analysis, and supporting system and other transactional analysis
- Communications management to ensure effective information generation, documentation, storage, transmission and disposal of project information.
(2) All questions must be submitted no later than December 23, 2019.
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: March 17,2020
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$