(1) Vendor needs to provide police memorial park upgrades services to the government authority located in Las Vegas, NV. – Exterior Joints: Seal open joints, whether or not the joint is indicated on drawings, unless specifically indicated not to be sealed. Exterior joints to be sealed include, but are not limited to:a. Wall expansion and control joints.b. Concrete and steel expansion jointsc. Joints between different exposed materials.d. Openings below ledge angles in masonry.e. Other joints indicated below.– Do not seal the following types of joints:a. Intentional weep holes in masonry.b. Joints indicated to be treated with manufactured expansion joint cover, or some othertype of sealing device.c. Joints where sealant is specified to be provided by manufacturer of product to besealed.d. Joints where installation of sealant is specified in another section.e. Joints between suspended panel ceilings/grid and walls.(2) All questions must be submitted no later than April 30, 2024